Hello darlings!
I just woke up to a new day, and the sun is shining on my skin as I sit here on a lovely terrace in Gozo.... blogging away with new found energy! (after some well deserved sleep!!!)
It has been a long, long way to Serbia, with a lot of work, and a lot of stress thrown inbetween... But every minute, every second has been worth it! It was an amazing experience for me and my entire team, and I am glad to take all the positive out of this experience!
Of course, it has been disappointing not to make it through to the finals, but this is Eurovision! We all know that it can be extremely unpredictable with no guarantees at all! There is only one winner after all! But oh! I am just drowning in messages from fans (local and foreign)requesting my song! I am told VODKA is on heavy rotation in Russia and Ukraine, and some offers have poured in from other countries! Wow!
The most emotional moment for me, besides performing VODKA on stage to an audience that seemed to have gone hysteric when I walked on stage - was the Green Room Moment! :) I just could not believe my own ears when I heard people shouting out "MALTA...MALTA!" when the very last envelope was left! I thought I actually imagined all this, until a couple of hours later... the press in Serbia told me what was happening in the arena, and realized that I had actually heard correctly!
I'd like to thank my ENTIRE team! You know who you are, and a big heartfelt THANK YOU for everything you have done, and for believing in me!
Every end has a new begining.... and every begining has a more challenging goal!
For those of you who might have thought I will give up.... I want to let you know that this is only the begining.... and that I have every intention to ride the waves and venture into new and more exciting opportunities.
I am a fighter...
I will be back...
Just be patient and watch out for the Volcano to errupt ..... again!
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Na Zdarovye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all!
Morena xxx