Thursday, May 8, 2008


V O D K A - T E A S E R - ONE
Hello! I'm back...and sooner than you expected me to!

This is going to be an exciting week! I'm meeting up with my dancers from Sweden this weekend and TODAY marks the start of the VODKA TEASER COUNTDOWN!

I will be posting a new teaser-pic every day! Just so all of you can get a hint of what is going on with my VODKA outfit! And the VODKA act!

So here is the first teaser pic for you all!

Loads of VODKA kisses, energy, and love!

Morena xxxx


Stevie said...

Awguri MORENA...nispera li l-performance ser tkun aqwa mis-sena l-ohra...nispera li kkunsidrajtu xi ideat mill-video specjalment li tinzel b'habel fil-bidu tas-song u bhala background effects tuzaw il-kelma stess VODKA biex in-nies jiftakruk sbejha.

Daniel Muscat said...

hmmm qisek ser tkun qed tleqq fuq l-istage! ser tibrilla mhux bil libsa biss, imma bid diska u l-vuci sabiha tieghek u bil karattru bomba li ghandek!! ecitat hafna jien ahseb u ara int!!!

Unknown said...

mmmmm interessanti....mandix idea xjista jkun ax ma tantx hu revealing imma forsi matul il gima se nkunu nafu aktar.....10x morena and gd luck with ur preparations