Il-Vjagg it-TAJJEB MORENA. Il-Maltin kollha warajk u zgur nhar l-erbgha ser naraw biex hrigtu nispera li performance stupenda u originali. Bit-teasers li qed titfa qed tkidna ftit ja mqarba imma ma gara xejn daqt nkunu nafu kollox. Oqghodu attenti bil-camera shots u l-background ax minn MALTA via internet naraw kollox...u ninnutaw kollox...jigifieri jekk ikun xi haga li mux f'postha nispera li jsir jaf l-kumitat ax ahna nixtiqulek gid u l-aqwa performance.
bon voyage my lovely morena.....whatever will happen just enjoy youself and remember those three minutes will never come back....enjoy it to the full and once there hv fun for all maltese who'll watch the contest on tv....our love will be with you forever
mmmmm...i think i can guess now......does it include belts?
Il-Vjagg it-TAJJEB MORENA. Il-Maltin kollha warajk u zgur nhar l-erbgha ser naraw biex hrigtu nispera li performance stupenda u originali. Bit-teasers li qed titfa qed tkidna ftit ja mqarba imma ma gara xejn daqt nkunu nafu kollox. Oqghodu attenti bil-camera shots u l-background ax minn MALTA via internet naraw kollox...u ninnutaw kollox...jigifieri jekk ikun xi haga li mux f'postha nispera li jsir jaf l-kumitat ax ahna nixtiqulek gid u l-aqwa performance.
bon voyage my lovely morena.....whatever will happen just enjoy youself and remember those three minutes will never come back....enjoy it to the full and once there hv fun for all maltese who'll watch the contest on tv....our love will be with you forever
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