Tuesday, April 1, 2008

ICE BUSTIER for Eurovision performance!!!!

Back in the studios to record a couple of songs in preperation for an exciting show that I will tell you more about very soon!!!!!!!!!!

I managed a "Kit-Kat break" and thought I'd drop a few lines while some technical people are keeping themselves busy with what looks like complicated, heavy wiring of some sort! I grabbed a take-away burger on the way here, just because I was short of time, and the rancid offering is still burning a hole in my stomach! The last time I had a burger I was on holiday and had a very unpleasant experience with a waiter who sported an ego much larger than his IQ! But I won't get into that now! Momma's salads rule! :) (My ones are not too exciting I'm afraid!!!).

After I'm finished with the Studio I'm going to try and make it to Valletta in time to try on something really "Cool"! You want to know what it is???? It's the ICE bustier I will be wearing for the song contest! Yes guys! A bustier made out of pure ice cubes that automatically form once a certain temperature is reached! Everything is based on an ice-blue metal sheet and once you hit a button, the entire process begins as the module contains a special routine for computing ice! It's going to be the first ICE BUSTIER ever to grace the Eurovision stage! We felt it would fit the song like a glove! This lovely creation is a product of pure genius from the creative mind of Swiss based engineer Jens Fredsson Leer......
A Vodka kiss to you all....
A P R I L F O O L!!!!! :) :) :)


Vodka said...
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Unknown said...

is this an april fool joke by any chance?

d. said...

this sounds so aprilfooley.

i like it!

Unknown said...

LOL good one :D

Unknown said...

Forza Morena!!!
